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With passion, depth, and humor, Our Trees for Survival enlightens us about the incalculable value of native trees in Puerto Rico and throughout our region. It is an essential reference for families, communities, the entire country. Between descriptions and scientific data and photographic illustrations and popular expressions, this book overflows telling us how the Caribbean grandparents used and continues to use the fruits, flowers, leaves, roots, seeds, resins , bark, wood and even the thorns of 34 trees and palms essential for resilience in remaining time. Tropical green medicine is exposed and celebrated in a useful and original way. The practical indexes teach us the urgency of caring for and propagating our green neighbors. The book's design makes reading and searching for information faster. In short, a simple text connects us with treasures of the indigenous, Afro-Caribbean, and peasant cultures of the Borincan archipelago, the Antilles, and continental Central America. Árboles Nuestro is a guide and path toward an intelligent intimacy with the trees that have always sustained us from the roots. up to the crown

our trees

SKU: L007

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